An Aviation Safety Manager is a critical part of any Safety program within the airlines. The Safety Manager would be responsible for:
• Ensuring management leadership and commitment.
• Promoting and ensuring employee involvement
• Holding employees responsible and accountable for safety concerns
• Gathering data on accidents and incidents
• Analyzing trend data and risk assessments
• Accident investigation and auditing
• Hazard prevention and control
• Safety Communication and media
• Safety Training
Safety should be an airlines number one concern. Should an aircraft crash, the exposure to the media could be enough to cause the airline to go out of business (i.e. ValueJet). An Airline’s reputations put a lot of weight on their safety record. This is why it is important to have someone oversee all elements of safety within the airline to ensure a preventable accident does not occur. Safety is something the airline should not take lightly. The amount it would take to pay a full time Aviation Safety Manager is mere pocket change in comparison to the amount of money involved in lawsuits and company reputation that would result for a safety related accident.